When you arrive home from the dentist after a tooth extraction, it is very important to make sure the bleeding has stopped and the area remains free from infection. To stop the bleeding you will be asked to bite on a gauze pad for about a half hour or until the bleeding stops.
For the next 24 hours it is important to do none of the following:
- rinse your mouth vigorously
- suck through a straw
- smoke or chew tobacco
- drink alcohol
- clean the teeth next to the extraction site
Once the tooth is extracted there may be some swelling and some pain. To alleviate both these things you can use an ice bag holding it on for 20 minutes and then taking it off for 20 minutes.
Drink lots of fluids and eat only soft foods for the first 24 hours. After this and once the pain has resided you can begin to eat normally. At this time you should then begin your routine oral care as well as rinsing your mouth with warm salt water.
If you experience continuing pain or bleeding please contact us. If after a few days you are experiencing a lot of pain, you may have what is called a dry socket. This is an infection of the bone where the tooth was do to the loss of the blood clot over the tooth socket. This can become very painful. Please call for treatment.
Dental Anesthesia
With dental anesthesia (novacaine), the patient is generally numb anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3 hours. Some people more and some less. Do not attempt to eat at this time as you may bite your cheek, lips or tongue without feeling them or realizing it. You may drink through a straw.
After your tooth is filled or bonded the tooth may be sore or sensitive to temperature for several days. For the soreness, you may take any typical analgesic such as aspirin, Advil (ibuprofen) or Tylenol. If the soreness or sensitivity persists or the tooth does not "feel right" to bite, please call the office for an adjustment. Remember that tooth colored bonded composite fillings are typically more sensitive than metal silver fillings.
Root Canal Therapy
Root canal therapy can sometimes take up to 3 visits. If there is pain, take your normal analgesics such as aspirin, Advil (ibuprofen) or Tylenol. If there is a great deal of pain, a stronger prescription medication may need to be provided to your pharmacy. If you begin to swell, call the office immediately for treatment and possible antibiotic therapy. Refrain from chewing on the root canal tooth as it is in a weakened state and subject to fracture and also hyper-sensitive from treatment.
- Avoid hard foods
- Avoid chewy foods especially gum
- Chew on the opposite side of your mouth if possible
Once you receive your implants, it is important that you continue to care for them as you would your regular teeth by both brushing and flossing and continuing with your routine cleanings.
Crowns & Bridges
A temporary crown or bridge will be placed while you are in treatment for the new crown or bridge. Brush the temporary normally and eat with it normally. Do not chew sticky foods (gum, candy) on it or floss around it to avoid pulling the temporary off. If the temporary crown comes off, try to place it back on the tooth. Generally it will stay. Call the office to have us recement the temporary. An uncovered tooth can become sensitive or the tooth can rapidly change its position. A temporary not only covers the tooth but also holds its position in the jaw.