Dr. Zegarelli received topDENTIST from 2009 to 2025 from topDentists!

Welcome to Dr. Zegarelli’s office.

Dr. Peter J. Zegarelli Dentistry, as with other health services, is rapidly changing. Technology is constantly improving, allowing us to deliver quality care in less time and with less stress. Medical pharmacology (the study of drugs) allows us to use anesthetics and analgesics which greatly decrease pain and discomfort. The knowledge and application of preventative dentistry techniques allows the patient and doctor to work together to prevent future dental disease.

More importantly though, beyond all the techniques and technologies, dentistry is still an art as well as a science. As a health service, it is the patient care provided not only by the doctor, but also by the entire office staff. Dentistry as a health service means properly placed restorations and courteously answered phones. Rapidly changing technology will not change this philosophy of service.

About Dr. Zegarelli and the rest of the office staff »

Contact Information

87 North Broadway
Tarrytown, NY 10591
(914) 631-1800

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